Happy Wednesday, m' dears! It's hard to believe the last time I signed off we had a three year old on our hands. It seems like just yesterday I was sharing news that we'd be having a little boy. Now, nine days into age four, our resident toddler (he's still a toddler, right?!) is walking around the house a little taller, proudly spelling his name on repeat, and can be found sitting in his room conflicted over what toys and books are for "big kids" and which ones are for "babies." Sigh. Will somebody please press the pause button?? While you're at it, tell me there's some catchy term that accurately describes this age, because I'm not sure I'm ready to let go of "threenager" yet. Just knowing that phrase existed helped me make sense of the entire last year and all of the crazy baggage that came with it. Today, I'm armed with no witty descriptor and feel VERY unprepared for what the next 356 days will bring. Dad, if you're reading this, I could really use an updated Maxwell moniker to better understand this next chapter.
Alright, enough from me. How the heck are you? I'm dying to know.
P.S. If you came here today in hopes of more four-ocious birthday pictures, my sincerest apologies. I was in full hostess mode and totally dropped the ball in terms of documenting Max's party. I'd like to think we were too busy having fun to be toying with our phones and cameras, but I'll admit I'm still a little bit bummed. I was actually pretty proud of the details and decorations that went into the night's festivities. The (insert catchy four-year-old terminology here) came over to thank me several times and described his shindig as "awesome" and "amazing"—I'll consider that a win in itself. Let's do it again next year, kiddo!