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Monday, December 24, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Here's what made me feel all twitterpated, smile contagiously, giggle uncontrollably, etc.
- 2019 Tabletop Calendar // Passing the time looks promising with a calendar this cute. Also, that shade of blue. Swoon!
- Wrapper's Delight // Wrapping paper is my weakness. This year I decided to add a pop of hot pink and I don't hate it.
- Be Okay // Her poetry, pose, and podcasts seem to be the answer to everything these days. So. Much. Wisdom. Wow!!
- Pendant // My adoration for this sunny hue is probably a sign I've been playing with too many Legos. #INSPIRED
- Cashmere Scarf // Have you purchased anything from Everlane that you love? I haven't, but this looks promising.
- Mono Wall Clock // Thanks to Maxwell, we're watching the clock nonstop waiting for Santa to get here. Tick tock.
- Holiday Drink Cupcakes // In case you're over cookie baking and in search of something sweet and tasty. Here you go...
- Night Watch // Not all shades of green are created equally. Here's a hue Architectural Digest deemed the color of 2019.
- Laurie Fisher // I visit the artist's online studio routinely to see what she's up to. How fabulous are these scallops?
- Express Yourself Journal // I swear this would have been the journal of my dreams back in the day. Graeber nailed it!
- Traveler Wallet // I usually only gravitate toward cerise, but there's something about this red that I really dig.
- Velvet Scrunchie // Not going to lie, I love that some of my favorite stores have brought back the srunchie.
- Soir Des Magazines // Magazine night is like the book club of my dreams. We should totally make this a regular thing.
- Sailor Striped Pillow // I'd like to add a set of these to the window bench in our room. Aren't they happy?
- Rosalie Studs // I adore the size of these earrings. They're like colorful polka-dots on your ears. Sign me up.
- Drama In The Hood // Because our girl Iris Apfel likes to remind us that "More is more and less is a bore."
- Vitra Love Tray // Designed with Alexander Girard and One Fine Day in mind, this tray is The Love List approved.
- Morrison Rotary Tray // How fabulous is this organizer? I can practically picture it on a bathroom vanity or desktop.
- Hand In Hand Soap // Suds not duds, y'all. These suds are certainly not duds. And can we discuss the packaging?
- Good Bye 2018 // With Flyboy heading out soon, I probably won't be blogging much until mid-January. Here's hoping this upcoming blog year is filled with more posts than I was able to produce this year. Make way for colorful content!!
Have a fabulous holiday, m' dears! Make it count.

Thursday, December 20, 2018
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FEELING: The older Max gets the harder it is to keep up with subjects like Ninjago (AKA topics I never wanted to know about in the first place). Just when I think HOW will I ever understand all this "boy" stuff, I'm reminded my kid is still a product of his environment. Afterall, last week he asked me why I haven't put any "sparkly decorations" in his room, and then a day later expressed how happy he gets when he gets to use colorful tape. In the words of RHOA's finest, Mrs. Leakes, "We see each other!"
THANKFUL FOR: My sister and her boyfriend are coming to town on Sunday and I'm really jazzed to get to share memories at our new home with them. The week leading up to Christmas has felt like FOREVER. Is it just me? I'm honestly not sure how many more cookies I can bake, lists I can make, bedding I can clean, etc. to pass the time for their arrival. We haven't had any guests since Max's birthday 2.5 months ago, so it will be nice to have a full house again.
THINKING ABOUT: I signed Max up for an indoor soccer class with the local parks and rec beginning mid-January and I'm interested to see how it works out. I figured it would be a good distraction for us since Flyboy will be gone, but convincing Max it's going to be fun is a whole other story right now. I'm sure he will enjoy it once he starts, but it's been a hard sell. He tells me he only wants to go if "daddy can be there," which is an absolute bummer for all parties involved. Thankfully, Max's friend is going to be at the class as well and I'm hoping they can be placed in the same group. Being stubborn AND shy is a wicked combination. Woof!
THINKING ABOUT: I signed Max up for an indoor soccer class with the local parks and rec beginning mid-January and I'm interested to see how it works out. I figured it would be a good distraction for us since Flyboy will be gone, but convincing Max it's going to be fun is a whole other story right now. I'm sure he will enjoy it once he starts, but it's been a hard sell. He tells me he only wants to go if "daddy can be there," which is an absolute bummer for all parties involved. Thankfully, Max's friend is going to be at the class as well and I'm hoping they can be placed in the same group. Being stubborn AND shy is a wicked combination. Woof!
READING: In case you're looking for a few holiday-related reads to add to your kid's library, here are some of our latest favorites:
LISTENING TO: I just finished wrapping a batch of presents on Monday during Max's nap time when I heard tiny footsteps make their way to the bathroom. Upon flushing, I saw our wily one's cute little face look down the steps, sleep mask propped on top of his cranium like a headband, his shirt aggressively tucked into his pants (because four year olds...), and we waved at each another. "I just got done pooping and wanted to tell you what a great job you're doing with those presents, mom! They sure are beautiful. Okay, bye." As soon as he spit out what he wanted to say, he raced back into his room and shut the door. He takes the rules of nap time very seriously because he knows he's only to get out of bed if it's to go to the restroom. Haha! I, on the other hand, spent the next five minutes grinning like a big goof ball and giggling to myself because it's moments like that I'll cherish the most.
WATCHING: We have a Santa Tracker app on our TV, and every day since December 1st Max has made sure we log in so he can answer a series of questions to determine whether or not he'll be on the naughty or nice list. Naturally, Maxwell's percentage fluctuates on a daily basis, but he takes it VERY seriously. For this reason, I asked if he'd like to meet St. Nick in person on several different occasions and each time he suggests we just FaceTime Father Christmas instead. Well played, kid.
EATING: Yesterday I baked ten dozen cookies to distribute to our neighbors and Flyboy's coworkers, then I immediately announced I never wanted to bake or eat anything sugary again. Gasp! I do this at least once or twice a holiday season. I eat ALL the dough, and I taste test ALL the baked goods. I swear I want NOTHING to do with sweets EVER again. Then, 72 hours later, I forget about my gluttonous proclamation, I become a repeat offender, and I'm miserable once more. It's such a vicious and tasty cycle. 'Tis the season, am I right?! My pants already hate me and the bulk of the indulging hasn't even started.
LOVING: I featured the Kristin Ess 3-in-One Flat Iron last week in The Love List and promised to report back. You guys, there's a reason it gets nothing but five-star reviews. The price point is great and the product itself is incredible! My hair can be described as fine, but the texture is rather funky because I have some natural curl. This flat iron keeps my hair smooth and silky all day and requires very little in terms of touch-ups on day two or four. Ha! The fact that the tool looks so pretty is just the cherry on top.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018
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Happy Wednesday, m' dears! We're getting so close to all of the holiday festivities, I can almost taste it. Now that I think about it, that's probably all of the cookie dough I've ingested over the last 24 hours because I've definitely been eating my feelings. Woof! As pumped as I am for Christmas to finally get here, we've hit a few speed bumps this past week and it's killing my jolly ol' vibe. On Thursday, Max and I watched a large utility truck slowly roll into the front of the wagon as we were stopped at a traffic light en route to a friend's house. Yikes! To make matters worse, he was completely oblivious that anything happened and drove off. I followed him for a good 15 minutes (honked a dozen times, said more cuss words in front of my kid than I'm proud to admit, rolled down the window to motion him to pull over, etc.) before I finally gave up and called the police to file a report about the minor hit and run. While the front bumper and hood are damaged, the whole situation could have been a lot worse. I've been calling the incident a "giant pain in the ass-ccident" (pardon my French) because it's just another loose end to tie up before Flyboy heads out in a few weeks. On top of that nonsense, the police are taking their sweet time when it comes to helping us and our insurance company identify the driver, FB got thrown into a last-minute training course in preparation for his January departure (not all check lists are created equally), and now our dishwasher isn't working as it should. *Deep breaths.* A big part of me wants to lock myself in a closet with a bottle of gin and stream Bravo on the laptop all day, but I'm determined to show this little "deployment pre-test" who's boss. These days Murphy's Law feels a lot like the Grinch, and Cindy Lou Hoo says "BOY, BYE!"

Friday, December 14, 2018
Let's get right to it, shall we?
Here's what made me feel all twitterpated, smile contagiously, giggle uncontrollably, etc.
- White Penny Round Tiles // I've fallen down a rabbit hole of tiles and I don't hate it. The organic shape. SWOON!
- Marine Marble and Wood Cheeseboard // Show off your charcuterie skills in style this holiday season. Also, stripes.
- Color Study Acrylic Drop Earrings // The girls at Ampersand Studio created an adorable line of earrings. #wishlisted
- Acrylic On Wood Panel // I love all of Ashley's work, but when this piece speaks to me in the most colorful manner. Gingham, stripes, polka dots, and Matisse. It's practically everything I adore all in one 20" x 20" canvas.
- Live Citrus Wreath // Don't mind me, I'll be hanging out with my glue gun attaching clementines to all the garland. Ha!
- Ann Mashburn Editorial // I love seeing what the ex-fashion editor has her eye on at the moment. It's witty to boot.
- Merry Mailbox Set // I have a confession. I didn't get around to sending Christmas cards. These are super adorbs!
- Neon Heart // Unleash your inner tween and add this pop of fun to any gallery wall or decorate your closet with it.
- Vinebox // Still looking for that perfect gift to give your wine loving bestie? I think I've got you covered.
- Kristin Ess Flat Iron // My flat iron crapped out on me yesterday, so I'm eager to see if this lives up to the hype.
- Polka-Dot Flannel Pajama Set // How cozy are these? You'll find me living in them through the end of March.
- Dark Chocolate + Malted Milk CollaBARation // Any time there's Jeni's involved, you can count me in!
- Cable-Knit Throw // J.Crew is selling home goods and I can't say I mind. Has anyone purchased anything from the line?
- Personalized Sleep Mask // Based off today's selection, it's clear I've got snoozing and relaxing on my mind.
- Verve // Matisse loved graphic design. Browsing through this selection of little-known book illustrations is magic.
- Hot Pink Linen Pillow Cover // I have every intention of adding this vibrant cushion to our bedroom mix. It's gorgeous!
- Apple Green Notebook // Gimme all the chores and errands if it means the to-dos are listed on something this cute.
- Wallet Clutch // Clare V does it again! This piece is an instant classic, but I'm loving the entire line. Simple and sweet.
- Unladylike Patch // Not that I know anyone who's unladylike. Hehe! Shout it out with a snazzy piece of flair.
- Matchstick Dog // Thanks to LR's Craft Fair, I was introduced to the delightful world of Eleanor Bostrom. Squee!
- Bravo Doormat // How did I not know this existed until last week?? Why isn't it on my front porch already? Sigh.
Have a fabulous weekend, m' dears! Make it count.

Thursday, December 13, 2018
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FEELING: Four year olds at Christmas time are PURE magic! Don't get me wrong, Max is still Max, but OMG his genuine giddiness about Santa and snowmen is infectious. Last week we put our wily one to bed early because NO NAP, and as we got ready to watch our shows, we heard a siren in the distance. Initially we thought someone was hurt or there was a fire down the street, but then I remembered the family that sold the house to us mentioned Santa comes to the neighborhood each year on a fire truck and passes out candy canes. We immediately flew out of bed and grabbed Max so we could take in the impromptu festivities together and catch a glimpse of Father Christmas. The sweetest part about all of this is earlier that day Max kept begging me to buy candy canes and I forgot to grab a box at the store. You can only imagine the look on his face when he was surprised later that evening with the red-and-white striped candy. He looked up at me with the biggest grin and said, "SANTA KNEW I WANTED ONE OF THESE!!!"
THANKFUL FOR: The hair stylist I see in DC returned from maternity leave last month, and I got a chance to visit her a few weeks ago for a much-needed cut. It was straight-up fan girl status when I saw her because I knew I missed having bangs, but then she started to do her thing and I found myself talking way too much because I was so excited to have my hair styled again. Just think of a dialogue between Rory and Lorelai Gilmore, except for the fact that it's one-sided because I was the one doing ALL the talking.
THINKING ABOUT: I got to hang out with my parents while the boys were in Missouri, and I can't stop laughing about my mom and dad's knowledge of gypsy culture. Who knew, right?! Hahahaha! After watching a few hours of TLC's show, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, one Saturday evening, they filled me in on the term "gorgers" and introduced me to the magic that is Sondra Celli's custom wedding dress designs. You guys, this is just TOO good! It *almost* rivals Teem Mom in terms of trash TV. Almost.
THINKING ABOUT: I got to hang out with my parents while the boys were in Missouri, and I can't stop laughing about my mom and dad's knowledge of gypsy culture. Who knew, right?! Hahahaha! After watching a few hours of TLC's show, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, one Saturday evening, they filled me in on the term "gorgers" and introduced me to the magic that is Sondra Celli's custom wedding dress designs. You guys, this is just TOO good! It *almost* rivals Teem Mom in terms of trash TV. Almost.
READING: Do you follow the Avery & Augustine blog? I swear it's like a treasure chest; there's always something new to discover! The site is created by the founder of the Little Lit Book Series, Michelle Sterling, who shares the BEST children's books. Whenever we have a trip to the library planned (just as we do today!), I like to reference her posts for titles to bring home.
LISTENING TO: Have you seen the new Grinch movie yet? Squee! It's absolutely adorable!! Max and I have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop since we saw it at the Alamo Drafthouse two weeks ago. Tyler, The Creator's remake of the holiday theme song is pure genius. Do me a favor and download the latest jingles and stat. You can thank me later.
WATCHING: For those of you who aren't fans of Bravo (Is that even possible?) or the rest of us that require a break from the feuds of Kelly and Vicki along with Lala and James, I highly recommend the series Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime and the movie Dumplin' on Netflix. Last weekend, I threw Flyboy a bone and watched John Krasinski not be Jim Halpert. Oddly enough, the thriller piqued my interest and I've already Googled whether or not there will be a season two. In the event you're looking for something a bit more feel-good and charming, promise me you'll give Jennifer Aniston's Dolly-loving pageant hit a shot. It's flipping precious, y'all!
EATING: On Tuesday night, I whipped up Art From My Table's Easiest Ever White Chicken Chili and it was surprisingly delicious. I mean, I knew it would be good (How do you go wrong with ingredients like this?), but it didn't seem that different than similar recipes I've tried in the past. Then again, I did improvise a little by using a some cream cheese since I underestimated how much shredded cheese we had available and had no intentions of going to the store. I'd go ahead and make that tasty little tweak again.
LOVING: I adore my sunny wool coat from J.Crew, but the yellow can easily get dirty and dull. As a result, I've had my eye on the Perfect Winter Parka for the past few months, but wasn't prepared to pay full-price for the wardrobe workhorse. I told myself I'd hold out for a great sale at the beginning of the new year, but much to my surprise, I managed to snag the coat for $80!! I rarely stumble upon deals this good, so it felt like I hit the jackpot!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Happy Wednesday, m' dears! Last week's gift guides aside, we haven't really touched base since before Thanksgiving. What the what?! My favorites made their way to Missouri for a boys' trip (Oh, I missed them so!) and ever since their return on December 1st, we hit the ground running and it's been full-on falalalala mode in Delaware. The Christmas bucket list has been drafted and over 100 ft. of fresh garland has been purchased. We're about a month away from Flyboy's deployment departure and I'm so grateful we have twinkle lights and ribbon to distract us because writing wills and seeing FB lay out all of his gear in the spare bedroom makes it all feel too real. While I'd love nothing more for time to slow down, we're having the best time decking the halls for the holidays. Something about celebrating for the first time in our new house seems really special, so it's helped us stay present these past few weeks and has directed our focus toward the positive. I love this family of mine something fierce and thank God every day for letting me do life with them. During this season of love and giving, I'm humbled. I already have everything I need.

Friday, December 7, 2018
Tissue Turtleneck $30 // Velvet Bow Hair Tie $10 // Glitter Sneakers $30 // Oversized Hat $10 // Wildsam Field Guides $18 //
Spice Grinder $35 // Ol Oil $44 // Demure Lip2Cheek $36 // Polka Dot Vase $17 // Rib-Knit Hat $13 // Stripe Tee $23 //
Sparkling Rose Cocktail Kit $30 // Feliz Navidad Tee $40 // RBG Action Figure $20 // Boosting Lip + Cheek Stick $30 //

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Gnome Fair Isle Sweater $70 // Gingham Shirt $40 // Loog Mini Guitar $79 // MiO Sleeping $19 // Weather Station $54 //
Chunkies Paint Sticks $12 // Spaceship Activity Center $81 // Zip and Zoe Mini Backpack $23 // Stinger Wooden Car $25 //
Monty the Monster $42 // Ruffle Trimmed Coat $198 // Pom-Pom Hair Tie $12 // Sequin Beret $33 // Baghera Racer $120 // Diamond and Rose Necklace $30 // Dino Tail $40 // Piki Basket $29 // World Map Circle Mat $105 //

Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Nike Blazer Low-Top Sneakers $85 // Hemingway 12 Ounce $25 // Keytag $3 // Christmas Vacation Socks $20 // Jeni's Pint $12 // Brushed Midweight Flannel $90 // Shaka Bottle Opener $85 // Mayron's GOODS Travel Oil $24 // Vintage Ball Cap $50 //

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