Happy Wednesday, m' dears! These photos might not necessarily convey what it is that I've been feeling lately, but they're my honest attempt at finding cheer amongst the chaos. I have to; it's a matter of survival in Swell Rio these days. You see, I've been operating on a short fuse and I'm not proud of it. The busiest time of the year has only begun and it appears that I'm already coming undone. How?! Send help AND gin! Stat. To top things off, just when I think Max couldn't get any more unruly, I'm blown away by the new tricks he's got up his sleeve. Sweet readers, I'm tired of sounding like a broken record. I want to write about something NEW. But sometimes it feels as though I've been putting out fires with this child nonstop for the past two years and it's emotionally draining. Can a mother get a break?? I knew it was bad on Monday evening when we got home from one of Flyboy's work functions and our wily tot chucked his water bottle at a bookshelf. Internet, my inner Hulk was unleashed. In that moment Flyboy learned that I put the Ash in smash and it wasn't pretty. I was embarrassed and erupted in tears, but I was at my wit's end. Moments later my dear husband suggested we take Max to daycare sometime this week to give me a break. I typically have NO issues doing this as we've done it countless times, but something about FB's proposition made me feel really ashamed of myself.
No, these images don't document me chasing my toddler (who refused to wear both his slicker and wellies, which he typically LOVES) down the street in a downpour as I did last week—but if you look really close in the second photo there IS a gross booger on his cheek (#authentic). And they certainly don't say a thing about that moment last Thursday when my son watched me throw the truck he hit me with in the park trash can (#consequences). Sorry, I'm not sorry. I guess Chuck the truck is gone for good. Gulp!
There's nothing I want more than to genuinely enjoy motherhood, but lately Max has been giving me a run for my money. I'm burnt out, and I hate that feeling. Thankfully, my family's arrival is just days away and I keep clinging to that notion. If I keep my head down, don my snazziest flats, and stock up on ALL the toilet paper, Saturday will be here before I know it. Time together will be the perfect opportunity to hit the reset button, which I think it's clear after today's post somebody, ahem, could really use...
If the blog has felt a little stale lately, my sincerest apologies.
Motherhood is exhausting and has been known to zap creativity from time to time. Ha!
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