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THINKING ABOUT: On Sunday, Max and I are DC bound. I couldn't be more elated to get a head start on the holidays before Flyboy and my sister show up. While I wish we could all arrive early, the thought of handing Max over to my dad while my mom and I do a little bit of shopping has me feeling all sorts of giddy. A break from our routine will be a gift in itself. Hooray! But with all of this excitement, I'm reminded that we need to get there first and that's the tricky part. Should I remind you about my Guardian Malaysian from our flight this summer?? I pray we're surrounded by that degree of kindness because this trip has a few new variables to consider. For instance, I'll be packing an umbrella stroller in lieu of the baby carrier and Max can walk. Insert Home Alone face here. In my mind I've practiced how we'll get through security with as few hiccups as possible, but we all know this stuff rarely goes as planned. I'd really like to pack one of those Carry On Cocktail Kits in case of an emergency, but I'll pack my sense of humor instead.
THANKFUL FOR: Have you tried Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Spice Ground Coffee? I discovered it last year on a whim at Walmart and we're just a little bit obsessed around here. Not many places keep it in stock in Swell Rio and it sells out quickly, so it's important to stock up. Last week we ran out, which meant it was back to the old stuff. Womp womp. Thankfully, I found a few bags hiding behind the peppermint flavored coffee on my last trip to Wally World and it's made ALL the difference in the morning. I've never been a big Dunkin' fan, but I can't help but wonder how I'll ever quit this stuff? Do me a favor, and get yourself a bag stat.
FEELING: With all of the holiday parties and baking, along with the endless to-dos that come with leaving town this weekend (ordering presents, packing, deadlines, etc.), I never got around to sending Christmas cards. You guys, I feel like a snail mail GRINCH! This is SO not like me and while I'm trying to keep my cool and accept that there's only so much I can accomplish, it's a hard pill to swallow. I want to do it all. I only wish I would have prioritized or planned a little better this year. Perhaps I should bring my address book with me to DC in the event there's some free time for Christmas correspondence?? You guys, this is SO embarrassing. I think this officially means it's time I hang up my washi tape crown and step down from my reign as snail mail queen. Sigh.
EATING: Ooooh, I've tried a handful of fabulous recipes since my last Thursday Thoughts post. I think you'll enjoy them! Here goes:
Soft & Thick Snickerdoodles — I've been baking up a storm. These are quick, easy, and delicious! Sally's recipes ALWAYS deliver.
Mexican Tortilla Casserole — A great meatless option that's flavorful and chock-full of veggies.
Baked Thai Salmon — The Thai sweet chili sauce is simple and tastes incredible. You'll ask for seconds.
Chicken Tortilla Soup — I can't wait to whip up a batch of this goodness for my parents! Total game changer.
LISTENING TO: Every once in awhile, the reality of motherhood slaps me right in the face. Nay, every thirty seconds the reality of motherhood slaps me right in the face. For example, on Tuesday morning the sweet sound of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You filled the house. I immediately grabbed Max and decided it would be the perfect time for an impromptu dance sesh. While holding him in my arms and bopping around, I couldn't help but think, "THIS is what motherhood is all about. THIS is all I ever wanted." No sooner did these sweet thoughts race through my mind and Max killed the mood by grabbing my hair and yanking my earring AGAIN. "NO," I yelled and placed him on the ground. In that moment I was reminded THIS is what motherhood is all about.
WATCHING: Shi shi shi! Who wants to talk Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, darling? I'm ecstatic the new season premiered last week, but I'm SO not impressed with Lisa and Ken. What gives, Vanderpumps? I used to be able to overlook their arrogance (to an extent) because they're so over-the-top and entertaining. However, coming down on Yolanda as they did in the first episode was rude and distasteful. I'm interested in how this season will play out among the ladies. It will be fun to watch Lisa talk her way out of this one...
READING: In the event you crave more of One Fine Day (and who doesn't??), then you'll want to pick up the latest copy of Adore Magazine. That's right, The Love List and yours truly will be making a regular appearance in the Aussie home decor and lifestyle glossy. Squee! For those interested in getting your hands on a copy, you can order one here. I'm pleased as punch.
LOVING: Max has started to blow kisses and give high fives recently—or at least that's how we're interpreting the hand gestures and movements. Ha Ha! Seeing the smile that's painted on his face when you ask him to do either turns me to mush. THIS is what motherhood is all about. Oh wait, as I type this he's pulling my hair again. I'm kidding, but only kind of.
Enough about me. How are you feeling today? What are you up to? Thanks for stopping by!!
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