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THINKING ABOUT: There's a pile of unfinished thank-you notes that are situated on the kitchen counter. I HATE when stuff is out of place and that's precisely the reason I stacked them there. I want to COMPLETE the project and this was supposed to motivate me to finish them. Unfortunately, the longer they sit there, the more daunting the task becomes. I'm embarrassed it's taken me THIS long to send notes of gratitude for Max's birthday—which was a whopping three weeks ago! At this point, I might as well make them dual-purpose thank yous and throw my birthday in there as well. Old Ashley would have had them signed, sealed, and stamped within a week. This newer version prays to get them postmarked while it's still October. Aim for grace, not perfection. Right??
THANKFUL FOR: You know you've lived in Hawaii and Texas for too long when you consider 75-degree weather nippy, and you view the cool weather as a perfect opportunity to whip up your favorite chili. That's precisely what went down this past weekend in Swell Rio and we were all ecstatic! To sweeten the deal, Max had a reason to wear some of his new duds, and I got to dust off my light sweaters and jackets. I think we're finally getting a taste of fall, and I love it! Now if I could just get my hands on a big pile of leaves...
FEELING: With upcoming deadlines, fuss master Max (code for needy and not walking), and visitors trickling in to Swell Rio throughout the month of November, I've been feeling a bit anxious lately. Whenever this happens, I find myself acting extra irritable and sensitive—both of which are good indications I need to make time to get on my spin bike. It helps me create positive headspace.
EATING: I usually rely on Pinterest to flash me that little reminder whenever I've already pinned something, but I guess the site isn't perfect because it didn't catch the FIVE times I pinned Pinch of Yum's Garlic Basil Chicken with Tomato Butter Sauce on five DIFFERENT occasions. Oops! Or perhaps Pinterest is just that good of a friend that they didn't want to kill my enthusiastic foodie vibe?? Yep, that's DEFINITELY it! At any rate, I plan to try the recipe tonight. It's clear I feel very strongly about the dish, and I can't really blame myself. Just feast your eyes on the photos—it looks downright scrumptious!
LISTENING TO: On Sunday night, I finished watching the Bravo three-part special in which Teresa checks in from prison. Oh. Em. Gee. Did anyone else tune in?! Since devoting three more hours of my life to our favorite New Jersey nonsense, I've found that I've adopted Joe Giudice as my inner voice of reason this week. Hold up, let me explain. Much like an angel or devil that sits on my shoulder, I've got ol' Giuseppe—who is presumably sipping more wine (obvi). No matter what the situation might entail or what curve balls are thrown my way, I hear a little Italian voice mumbling "Whattayougonnado?" Ridiculous? Yes. But totally worth giving a shot. Promise.
WATCHING: Because I can never get enough Bravo, let's discuss the Real Housewives of Orange County. What are your thoughts? Is anyone else scratching their head and wondering how we devoted an entire season to the whole Brooks cancer debacle, but we still don't have any REAL answers? Worse yet, Vicki appears more delusional than ever at the reunion—even AFTER she's split from Ayers for good this time! Ugh! This has been such an odd season (and reunion) filled with a whole lot of nothing. I'd say it's time we move on to Atlanta before I pretend to fall asleep on the OG of the OC. I'm done whooping it up with season ten.
READING: When my aunt sent me an Amazon gift card for my birthday, I quickly loaded my shopping cart with all sorts of colorful coffee table books that have been hanging out on my "wishful thinking" wish list. Nerd alert! I'm eager to dive into Styled by Emily Henderson, along with the latest addition to Kate Spade's classics, All in Good Taste.
LOVING: I'm obsessed with the boyfriend-inspired fit that's synonymous with J.Crew's boy shirt. Who's with me?! I have this particular style in more colors and patterns than I care to admit, but that won't stop me from adding more of them to my wardrobe. They're timeless, my friends!! The most recent addition to my collection is this insanely soft flannel check number. Brunswick Blue and I are already besties, but Neon Orchid may have to join the mix next.
Enough about me. How are you feeling today? What are you up to? Thanks for stopping by!!
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