Thursday, October 1, 2015



THINKING ABOUT: When Flyboy called me on Monday afternoon to discuss the possibility of a spouse taxi this Wednesday, two things immediately came to mind. For those of you who may not know what this is, it's essentially an opportunity for spouses to dress up in flight suits, get fitted for a helmet, and taxi down the runway in whatever aircraft your spouse flies. Yep, I'm talking about the danger zone. NOT! While you don't actually take off, it's typically a fun way to get a better appreciation of the plane and your spouse's job. I probably should have been excited, but my first thought was Max and childcare. When Flyboy said this part would be taken care of, I freaked out because he hasn't actually been watched by anyone but family. I have NO qualms about taking him somewhere, it's just that he's SO close to walking. I suddenly had visions of him taking his first steps in front of a stranger and I got a little queasy. I haven't given this child every ounce of my being only to miss a HUGE milestone. And since life has a wicked sense of humor, I just knew it was bound to happen. Gulp! The other silly detail that made me a tiny bit anxious dealt with the uniform of the day. We'd be required to wear our husband's flight suits and close-toed shoes (ballet flats and top-siders don't count). I was fully prepared to be swimming in Flyboy's uniform like the rest of the wives, but I really hate when I'm told I HAVE to wear tennis shoes. Any rebels out there feel me?! I finally decided I'd show up in my glittery Keds and snazzify the situation, but the last-minute spouse taxi was canceled. For the record, Max has yet to take his first steps and I no longer have to worry about whether the glitter from my sneakers would be considered FOD (foreign object debris) on the runway. Crisis averted!

THANKFUL FOR: The idea of my parents arriving this weekend brings me so much relief. I can't wait to pass Max off and take a little staycation from my problems. With the love nugget's first birthday quickly approaching (NEXT Thursday!), it will be nice to sit back and absorb what's happened in the last year. It's easy to get caught up in the monotony of the day-to-day, so taking some time to reminisce about the past twelve months and reflect on all this change will be good for my soul. And just in case I revert to the ugly cry (that's a given), I'll be surrounded by the people who've been there with me before.

FEELINGWith all of the Pope Francis buzz these past few weeks, I couldn't help but notice an uncanny resemblance between the pontiff and Dr. Terry Dubrow. What else did you expect from this Bravo-holic?? Ha Ha! I was slightly hesitant to share my shallow observation with anyone, but finally worked up the nerve to discuss the similarities with a very selective audience—Flyboy and my sister, of course. Little did I know, the topic would be discussed a week later on WWHL and I feel very vindicated.  

EATING: My dear friend Jen, of Lemon Drop Love fame, recommended this recipe (Zucchini Spaghetti, Crispy Prosciutto, and Roasted Cauliflower with Lemon-Parmesan Sauce) and I'm eager to give it a whirl this evening. It looks insanely delicious, but please don't ask me to rattle off the name of the meal again. When Flyboy asked me what's for dinner tonight, I responded with a blank stare. Umm...

LISTENING TO: Sometimes I like to shoot my sister a text with the hopes it will make her laugh or smile. In my ongoing mission to lift her spirits, I messaged Aubrey last Friday and told her that I feel pretty confident in my ability to "Hit the Quan." I knew she'd get a kick out of it, but I didn't think my snarky text would result in me agreeing to show her my moves when I see her at Christmas. Yikes! Suddenly I'm having visions of Will Smith and Kevin James in the movie Hitch. I'll go ahead and let you decide which one I resemble. With two months to go and two left feet, I pray she forgets about this little promise. And just in case she doesn't, I better pack a pair of pants that allow for lots of movement and a tall glass of liquid courage. I said get down low and swing your arm...

WATCHING: As I pen today's post, I feel like I'm living in a Windex commercial. Three Grackles have plowed into our living room windows over the course of the last five hours. No exaggeration. Does this mean I should I buy a lottery ticket?? I guess Max's fingerprints aren't the only smudges I'll be cleaning this afternoon. Yowzah!

READING: My college roommate works alongside books editor and author Elizabeth Egan at Glamour magazine. When he raved about Egan's debut novel, A Window Opens, I knew I had to get my hands on a copy. With my parents' upcoming visit, I think I might actually get some free time to read and I couldn't be more excited to dive into this literary cocktail. It's been described by Gretchen Rubin as Where'd You Go Bernadette meets Bridget Jones's Diary. What's not to love about that?!

LOVING: You could say I'm besotted with Ashley Orlovich's artwork. Based out of Raleigh, NC, the artist uses metallic leafing and acrylics to create abstract modern and pop-art paintings. Based on some of the works featured at LEIF, it's clear Orlovich speaks my love language with her appreciation of color and texture. I think the original, Ginger, is my favorite from the collection.

Enough about me. How are you feeling today? What are you up to? Thanks for stopping by!!
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