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THINKING ABOUT: It's time to upgrade Max's car seat, which really means my eyes are permanently glazed over after spending hours researching options and reading reviews. Because we have to take the size of The Rig into consideration in addition to the height of both drivers, it's turned out to be quite the pesky task. We're currently looking at models from Diono and Britax, but I just really wish Nuna would put me out of my misery and make a convertible carseat to use whenever babies outgrow the PIPA. Flyboy and I have been incredibly pleased with the ease and quality of their infant seat; we'd buy more of their products in a heartbeat. So while I continue to consider our current options, does anyone with experience care to weigh in with advice or recommendations?
FEELING: I have a dental appointment tomorrow morning and I'm just a tad bit bummed about it. When the beginning of this week rolled around, I tried to come up with a gazillion reasons as to why I should DEFINITELY reschedule the routine visit. But since Flyboy has the day off and he'll be around to watch Max, it's probably best I just suck it up and get it over with. At least I already know what shoes (these bad boys) I'm going to wear to my appointment, so I'll show up looking like a real winner. Perhaps a little sparkle on my feet will distract the doc and she won't discover any new cavities or a need to replace fillings. Hey, it's worth a shot!
THANKFUL FOR: After singing the film's praises on Instagram and my blog, you probably saw this coming. However, if you get a chance to watch Iris, promise me you'll do so. Ugh, I wish I could send you each a copy. Seeing the rare bird of fashion in action was brilliant! The documentary brought me SO much joy and left me feeling inspired by Apfel's spunk and originality. As terrible as it sounds, I often feel stifled by our current location and the repetitiveness that comes with being a new mom, but the film was a fabulous reminder to be YOU and do what makes you happy. The next time I think twice about whether or not I'm overdone for a quick trip to Wally World, I'll think of Iris' clever and carefree approach to getting dressed.
EATING: Ooh, I tried two new recipes for dinner last night that I think some of you will enjoy. If you're meal planning for the week ahead and looking for ideas, I highly recommend Blackened Salmon with Lime Cream via The Garlic Diaries paired with Zucchini Rice via Damn Delicious. I can't speak for Max, but I know I'm pretty jazzed about warming up a bowl of leftover rice for lunch.
LISTENING TO: While Flyboy was working on Sunday night, I decided to bake. It was only after the dough was prepared and the oven had preheated that I remembered I also have a baby to entertain. Oh, hey kid, where did you come from? Oops! In my attempt to be productive while simultaneously do my best to keep Max content, I started handing the babe random kitchen utensils to see if he'd find any of them intriguing. I failed miserably until I presented him with a glorious sheet of, wait for it, parchment paper. You guys, he was beyond thrilled! You would have thought he'd won the lottery. Four days have passed since Max and his baking bestie were first introduced and my little trick still works. Huzzah! The sweet sound of Max zooming around the house in his walker while playing with crinkled parchment paper is like music to my ears. Even if it's short lived, it's not fussy crying.
WATCHING: You may have seen this little gem make its way around social media, but in case you haven't, you need to stop what you're doing and watch this group of senior citizens whip and nae nae. I adore everything about the lively performance, but part of me is still really concerned about the whole break your legs part. (Don't) break 'em, (don't) break 'em...
READING: Something about this past Tuesday felt really off and I spent most of the day operating in survival mode. Nicely put, the Fine household was one hot mess. To shake off the craziness, Max and I made a quick trip down the street to check our mailbox and get some fresh air. I expected to fill my Baggu with the usual junk mail and coupons, but what I discovered waiting for me was an unexpected delight. Are you ready for this?! Because Mindy Kaling is on the cover of Domino's newest issue!!!! Squeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Suddenly I didn't even care about the laundry that was piled up on the kitchen table or the unreal amount of Ritz cracker crumbs that Max sprinkled throughout the house. Now before I get too carried away, I should probably tell you that I haven't actually had time to read the beloved glossy just yet. Ha! That realistically won't happen until this weekend. For now, the magazine is placed on my desk and acts as motivation to get through the week (I'm looking at you, dentist!). It's placed far away from Max's crumby paws.
LOVING: Four-day weekend. Four-day weekend. Pour me a cocktail and cue the happy dance, because it's a four-day weekend!
Enough about me. How are you feeling today? What are you up to? Thanks for stopping by!!
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