After I saw Gregg Leakes drinking out of a toilet mug on RHOA, I was convinced this crappy gift was a must for Flyboy and my dad. |
Hubba Hubba! My heart skipped a beat when I caught a glimpse at the colorful contents inside this Land of Nod box. |
This photo pretty much sums up our first Christmas with Max. He was an angry elf. |
Don't you just love the feeling you get when you sit down with a new planner to transfer dates and plan for the year ahead? |
I don't usually make resolutions, but The Spirit of Gin is the inspiration behind 2015's latest tasty goal. More about that in tomorrow's post. |
Yahoo! Beesly's surgery was a success. Our boisterous and behemoth Berner is on the mend. |
Flyboy got this snazzy record player for Christmas and he christened it with a Boston record. Geeking out is an understatement. |
After several attempts to get at least ONE good Christmas photo, I finally captured this shot of Max (days later). Hallelujah! |
A trip to Wally World on New Year's Day was fruitful. I went in for laundry detergent and left with a handful of blooms. I'll take it! |
I'm so behind on thank-you notes, it's embarrassing. I typically pride myself in having them done days after Christmas. The Time Bandit strikes again! |
Running errands (ALONE) in town kept me sane these past two weeks. A sparkly stack doesn't hurt either. This colic thing is crap, I tell you! |
Max can roll over, but as soon as I get out my phone or camera to record it happening, he refuses to perform. |
Happy Tuesday, sweet readers! I hope your holiday break was filled with tinsel and good cheer. Things around Swell Rio have been relaxing (cocktails permitting) and low-key, which we warmly welcomed. You see, Flyboy leaves this weekend for a five-week training course and Beesly's recuperating from her
TPLO surgery. Add our little Colic King to the mix and you've got the makings for a pretty happenin' holiday, my friends. I'm not exactly sure what I envisioned for Max's first Christmas, but I didn't think it would look like this. Ha! As a naive new mother, I dreamt about a baby sleeping on my chest in festive jammies, and a family photo op with Santa hats?? Maybe something along the lines of silent night, holy night, ALL IS CALM, ALL IS BRIGHT? Yeah, try again. I'm not sure if Max's colic actually got worse, or if we just felt on edge because there's added pressure on Christmas to be in the holiday spirit. I just know that Flyboy and I were about to go bonkers. The crying wouldn't end, and we felt helpless. Thank God for good gin,
baby straightjackets, and classic Christmas flicks! Hey, we survived and we're even smiling. Woo Hoo!
When I look back at the past two weeks, I can finally laugh at the ridiculousness of Max's first Christmas. If I had to sum it all up, we spent the break dodging spit-up and shoving pills down Beesly's gullet. It was nothing like the picture-perfect holiday they paint in the movies and TV commercials, but next year already looks promising. As far as I'm concerned, there will be NO need for noise-canceling headphones and we won't have to come up with creative ways to bribe our dog to take six pills a day. Yay! As for the festive photo op, well we might just have to try again in a few months. If I wasn't publicly admitting all of this, I could probably convince family and friends the snapshot is legit. Oh well! I suppose our angry elf clad in a polka-dot bow tie will just have to do.
Perhaps 2015 will be SO bright, we'll have to don our snazziest sunnies. Here's hoping, right?!
Oh, and Max thinks colic is SO 2014.
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