Skipping (erm, waddling) around Swell Rio is sweeter when you get to wear your favorite flats. |
Proof my plants are in full bloom. Well, never mind the brown parts. I'm going to blame that on the sun. It has nothing to do with the misting. |
When all else fails, it's polka-dots and a stack of colorful books to the rescue. |
The most delightful dose of snail mail to brighten my week. Thanks, friends! |
I made an attempt to paint my toes one last time, but the results were hideous. Let's just say I visited the nail salon for a pedicure the next day. |
This past Saturday, we celebrated ONE YEAR with The Rig. Who knew we'd add a car seat so soon? In a few days, there will be a love nugget seated inside. |
Beesly and I decided the ladies of the house have to stick together. We'll be outnumbered very soon. |
A peek into Max's nursery. I have a feeling we'll spend a lot of time in this little corner. |
Another great reminder courtesy of Austin Kleon. |
Making some time for a little last-minute correspondence before the wild rumpus begins. |
Happy Monday, m' dears! I hope your weekend was just peachy. Obviously today's post is just another sign we're waiting on Max's arrival. Any day now, good sir... When Flyboy and I went to our appointment last Thursday, the staff decided that being so close to the due date, it might be important to see the doctor again. Little did we know we'd wait three hours to see him. Yikes! Despite that minor detail, it was nice to ask him some questions and get a little more face time before D-Day arrives. While we visited, they took my blood pressure a few times. Throughout this pregnancy, my blood pressure has yo-yo'd. Whenever it was high, I would usually just chalk it up to nerves; however, they started to worry about how high my number was at 39 weeks. I stopped by the clinic again on Friday and it was STILL really high, so they hooked me up to a machine and monitored the baby and me for an hour. I was afraid they were going to induce me right then and there. I got ridiculously scared, and I think the nurses could tell. After running a few tests, they decided to send me home for the weekend. I'll spare you the less-than glamorous details, but I spent Saturday and Sunday lounging around the house on bed rest. In other words, I totally showed the sofa who's boss! I initially thought I'd get a lot done (blogging, emails, snail mail, etc.), but instead I opted to read outside and take oodles of naps. I guess it's what I needed! When I wasn't snoozing on the chaise, the nurses gave me a few ways to monitor my blood pressure and protein levels. I have an appointment this morning, and I'm hoping for good results. Depending on my blood pressure, I may end up getting induced on Wednesday. The planner in me silently cheers because it will take some of the guessing out of going into labor. I'll keep you posted!
Now, what's something fabulous that you did this weekend? What made you grin from ear to ear?
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