A bright little ode to Ernest Hemingway—"You make your own luck." |
In an effort to feel somewhat "cute" these days, I've found I must have one of my favorite accessories with me at all times. |
Lately I've been spending oodles of time at my desk. This little space brings me so much joy. I just love it! |
In Flyboy's absence, I had a chance to catch up on correspondence. How darling is this liner?! And yes, it's none other than Sugar Paper. |
Beesly and I came to the realization that we're going to be outnumbered soon. As a result, I feel like we've been bonding more. |
These days it feels like the baby is constantly receiving something in the mail. One of his first gifts was this Idlewild Co. print from my parents. |
A weekend stop at Home Depot and a trunk filled with plants. Just another sign that I'm becoming my mother... |
Happy Monday, m' dears! How was your weekend?! I can't say that much has been going on around here, but I've tried my best to put the swell in Swell Rio in Flyboy's absence. Two weekends alone in this rinky-dink town can drive a girl bonkers, but it's also been a great opportunity to focus on simple pleasures. Or at least that's how I tried to sell it to myself. Ha Ha! For instance...
"The details are not the details. They make the design."—Charles Eames
- The Bougainvillea my mom gave us when she visited is starting to bloom again. Woo Hoo! After we repotted it, things weren't looking too hot and we were afraid it was dunzo. Call it dumb luck, but I'm going to chalk it up as a win.
- I should probably be using this time to sleep in, but I've found that our little guy is incredibly active between 5 am and 6 am. Yep, we've got an early bird on our hands! Not quite ready to roll out of bed, I used the time to lay there with my hand cradling my stomach. It was relaxing to just be still and tune-in to his little kicks.
- An early start to our day means the pups and I have logged in our daily walk by 7 am. The warmer it gets, the more important it is that we go on a quick jaunt before it gets too hot. Things are so quiet on Laughlin, I often wonder if we've got this base to ourselves. The silence and inactivity is kind of peaceful.
- There's a lot of happiness that comes in a glass of iced-cold lemonade and your favorite striped straw.
- A stranger asked about the baby, which means we're officially passed that "Is she pregnant or chubby?" phase. Yay!
- I spent two hours on Saturday preparing snail mail for dear friends. It's been awhile since I blocked off a chunk of time for correspondence. I imagine the post lady will appreciate my fat stack of washi-adorned mail when she collects it.
- Anthropologie had a houseware promo this weekend, so I put it to work and ordered these pom-pom curtains for the baby's room. Those who frequent Anthro know that coupons are rare, so I saw it as a sign from the shopping gods.
- When I drive into town to run errands, I feel like I'm on autopilot. To amp up the fun factor, I blare Iggy Azalea's "Fancy." Saturday trips to the Post Office and Wal-Mart kind of contradict the song's lyrics; it's a state of mind, right?!
Enough about me. Did you do anything fancy? What simple pleasures did you enjoy this weekend?
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