Monday, November 4, 2013

A Holiday Shopping Spree Giveaway!

My Style Vita // Waiting On Martha // Life With Emily // Katie's Bliss // Marionberry Style 
The Serena Saga // One Fine Day // Smashing Style // Tiffany Style // SideSmile Style
Pearls & Twirls // Mae Badiyan // Paris Rouzati // A Little Dash of Darling // Here & Now
Living After Midnite // Kristin Marie // Sparkling Footsteps // Suppose Anything Goes // The Hunted Interior
A Lacey Perspective // Style Cusp // Lemon Stripes // Let It Be Beautiful
Monday, you're looking rather FANCY! It's not often I get to kick off the week with such a fabulous giveaway. I'm excited to join this stylish group of bloggers in co-hosting a Holiday Shopping Spree Giveaway. Eek! We've teamed up to give one lucky reader a $500 VISA Gift Card. It could be YOU! And as soon as you've entered the giveaway, hop on over to some of these amazing blogs for a sweet dose of style inspiration. You won't be disappointed!

See, I told you Monday wasn't so bad...
The winner will be announced next Monday, November 11th. Go get 'em!
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