It's fall, y'all! Well, I know the Autumn season was officially welcomed on September 22nd, but if you ask me it begins whenever I get to change my calendar to October — the finest month! Why such favoritism toward the 10th month? Well, it means we're entering the holiday season, which is filled with opportunities to be surrounded by family, everything smells of cider and cinnamon, and you have the perfect excuse to bust out your most colorful cords and trusty boots. Naturally, Tripp and I are eager to celebrate our birthdays — we've waited ALL year for our yellow cake with chocolate frosting, or maybe that's just me! And after weeks of being consumed by this move (Hello, Thursday!), it's just really nice to have something so wonderful to look forward to.
Earlier this week, I found myself slipping into a dark place. Flyboy and I felt really sad. I'm a very emotional person, but to see him upset made it harder. I know this is all natural, but it's always hard to revisit because no one wants to be a total downer. We have to accept all of the change that's coming, but it's difficult when we find so much refuge in our routine. I mean, we LOVE our routine. It's kind of unhealthy. Confronting all of the details and logistics that await consumed us and we realized that so much of our "move" hadn't even really happened yet. GREAT! Sure, the pack-out was over, but our checklist was still really really long. We found ourselves wondering when this feeling would end? We decided that being displaced kind of really stinks, and we just wanted to know where we could find our pajamas and toothbrushes. Sleep is great, but being together with our pups is even better and makes us complete. Whenever we refocus on what matters, we can regroup and see the whole point of this move and why we chose this lifestyle together. We're Team Fine, for crying out loud! We've got this. In order to work well together, we have to be whole individually. Flyboy finds peace whenever he runs or bikes; I find my happy when I can create. You have no idea how much joy I found just whipping up this post. I feel refreshed, and I'm pretty certain I have the same look on my face that Flyboy had whenever he returned from his run. Onward and upward, m' dears!
Now, how about a little visual sunshine to help set the tone for the month?
Globe-Trotter Suitcase // Swoon worthy.
Bright Pink Balloon Tassel // Adorable and a great price.
Yellow Cake by Martha Rich // I love this print like crazy cakes!
A Letter // I plan to send buckets of these once we get settled.
Stitching USA Card // Can you believe they have Del Rio on there?
Cooper Watch in Citron // The PERFECT color.
Grateful Desktop Background via Sugar Paper // A colorful reminder.
Kate Spade Keds // Happy feet are a must for traveling.
Let Life Surprise You // I'll continue to repeat this to myself.
Cloth-Bound Journal // So I can make sure I take time to create.
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