Our last morning in Hawaii was perfect. We ate Mac Nut Pancakes and went to our favorite beach. |
The morning started out a little cloudy, but the sun joined us for one last rendezvous. Classic Windward side! |
We dropped off our postcard and said "A Hui Hou" to the islands. |
Flyboy's moving blues. His cuteness masked his PCS sadness. |
A new glossy and fun flats to ease the pain of leaving. |
The new Jettawagen. I like to call it my "rig" because she's a diesel. Seems legit, am I right? |
We managed to cram everything into the wagon and began our journey to Texas. Beesly looks terribly comfortable! |
It rained the ENTIRE trip from Missouri to Texas. I was wishing I had my wellies with me! |
Trips to Target and IKEA made our credit card work overtime. |
Making this temporary apartment feel like a home by welcoming a Fiddle Leaf Fig into the mix. I call him Big Tex. |
Now we have a reason to send cute moving announcements! |
I woke up Sunday morning, and I think it finally hit me — we're not going back to Lil' Puna. I cried just a little bit. Okay, a lot. I'd seen our beloved rental empty and weeks had passed since we left Oahu, but Sundays together were always spent at the beach. It was "our" time to do nothing and just be. It was the one place we could both go together and just shut off our brains for awhile. I looked outside our apartment and saw nothing but a parking lot full of cars and heard the sound of a nearby train. Gah, I hate the sound of that stinking train! Our time in Missouri felt like a vacation and the first few days in Texas were a blur. We were making lists, unpacking our suitcases, running to Target, etc. In terms of accessories and stationery, I was set, but if you asked me for a roll of toilet paper, I couldn't help you! We literally needed all the essentials, and I guess a set of glitter and calf-hair flats aren't necessarily paramount, but to my credit they certainly come in handy. It was nice to keep busy, but I hadn't yet faced our new reality. It was finally time to create the new routine (hate new, love routine) I'd been envisioning for months. Later that evening after a lot of intermittent sniffles, I found myself setting up Monday's blog post on our laptop. It was my first night cooking dinner at our new digs, I was back to blogging, and Bravo TV was blaring in the background. Oh, hello routine, my old friend, you're back! I felt a sense of peace and my eyes lit up at the realization that this current season of our life is different, but it's okay. Post-epiphany, I looked into our bedroom to find Flyboy on the floor with Tripp and Beesly. It all became clear that we were exactly where we are supposed to be right now. Our Sunday Fun Day may no longer be seaside, but maybe "our" time to do nothing and just be will now take place with our dogs on the floor. For the first time in a long time, we get to be together and that's a gift in itself!
Have you ever felt this way about moving? The highs and lows? Any tips to ease into the new?
P.S. As I penned this Debbie Downer to Pollyanna post, the train went by twice. TWICE. I still hate the train!
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