Friday, March 22, 2013

Lurve Loave Luff

Let's get right to it, shall we?
Here's what made me feel all twitterpated, smile contagiously, giggle uncontrollably, etc.
  • Palm Springs Portraits: These images are just divine. Doesn't a girls' getaway sound amazing?
  • Golden Chevron Highball Glasses: My mom said it best, "They're beeeeeautiful with funk!"
  • Pink Dots Notecard Set: I can't wait to sit down this weekend and write in these adorable cards.
  • Crystal Necklace Sweater: Does it get any more perfect than this?!
  • DIY Pie Boxes: Call me greedy, but I never have enough pie to share with others. But if I did, I would definitely recreate these cute party favors.
  • Kick Up Your Heels: Another pair of Kate Spade Keds that I'm completely obsessed with!
  • Bad Taste: The older I get, the gaudier I become. Thankfully, I think DV would approve.
  • Hot Pink Lips: Has anyone discovered a brand or shade they love? I continuously buy hues that don't look good on me or they dry out my lips. Then again, most of the lipstick I've purchased has been solely based on Audrey Hepburn movie titles. Can you really blame a girl?
  • We're going to Texas, y'all!: What a relief to get that off my chest. As always, thanks for your support!
  • Live Color Fully Perfume: I can't wait to try this! Okay, I'm really just excited about the bottle. 
  • Toffee Recipe: Oh Em Gee! This looks like salty and sweet perfection.
  • Easter Egg Painting: This whimsical Quill & Fox illustration makes me want to paint Easter eggs with Flyboy this weekend.
  • Poppin Storage Container: We all know how much I love Poppin, so I was ecstatic when I saw these organizational boxes. It's both fillable and foldable — now say that five times fast!
  • Celebrate Banner Kit: This would be a nifty gift or a great banner to have handy whenever it's time to celebrate.
  • Instagram Love: I'm simply smitten with northwestmommy and her Newfie. I can't stop staring at her photos. Once again, I'm convinced we'll get a Newfoundland next. Of course, Flyboy thinks I'm crazy, but he's supportive at the same time.
  • Dotted Bow Print: I could waste hours just scouring all the goodies on Society6. Social Proper is my latest favorite!
  • App-tastic!: You'll want to make sure you download this Photo-Lettering App and stat. 
  • Coffitivity: It may sound crazy, but I'm hooked on this Website. I guarantee it will boost your creativity and productivity with ambient sounds of a coffee shop. It just feels like we're at Central Perk. 
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