"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -- Thomas Merton
There's one thing that leaves me smiling like a buffoon, and that's a powerful piece of art. I'm aware that this comes as a total shocker to some of you. Over the past few days, it seems as though I keep Pinning and bookmarking artwork that can be added to my "Art Adoration" file -- a list of artists and their pieces that I would like to own (we're talking prints, obvi) and to learn more about. I don't think I could have stumbled upon these punchy pops of color, organic shapes, and patterns at a better time than now. Lately, the left-side of my brain has thrived with logical list making and endless to-dos. The right side of my brain has been somewhat nutty; I guess it needed a creative and whimsy-filled release. I suppose that's evident in my latest curation of artwork attractions... Enjoy!
Have a swell day,
I love this piece of art. It's so simple and chic.